Friday, March 28, 2008

Cant a girl just do something nice?

So Ryan and I have both been coming down with some sort of bug (sore throat, chills, sneezing), and this could not be worse timing seeing as we've got our bachelor/bachelorette parties on Saturday. I've been chugging Airborne in an attempt to ward it off, but of course Ryan thinks he can beat it with his own superpower antibodies. Whatever.

Last night I popped a couple cold pills before going to bed an was awoken around 4:30am to the sound of him breathing out his mouth. Eww. I could tell he was tossing and turning, so I said "why dont you get up and take some medicine?" He says, "Okay I will,".......and continues to lay there. So I say, "Do you want me to get it for you?" He says, "Yes.."

So I get up, get the pills and a glass of water, and give it to him. I climb back into bed and he is silent for about 30 seconds. Out of no where he says, "Was that ex-lax?" I said, "What?!" to which he responded, "You were just waaaay to eager to help me."



Kristi said...

I love Fatty. I want to go to his party instead.

Your favorite bridesmaid


jeanarae said...

You've been tagged. See my blog!